Thursday, March 13, 2008

Week 3

I have had a browse through Flickr - what a huge database of photographs - 4,000 loaded in the last minute - the mind boggles.
I did a search for our library building and discovered some great photographs. It is quite architecturally beautiful - something I don't always appreciate - coming to work each day and taking it for granted. - take a look at this plus others tagged Civic centre - we really do work in pleasant surroundings.

I guess my only concern with Flickr is the misuse of the photographer's rights. It will be interesting to see how copyright is handled as all this technology continues to grow.


Riverina Librarian said...

I agree. There are so many people who believe that if a person uploads any material to the web then the owner has given up any ownership rights. This is not correct. Also, a lot of the time ownership can't be tracked because the actual work has been used countless times without acknowleding the owner.

pls@slnsw said...

Dear Cynthia

It is good to sit back for a minute and reflect on how our workplaces look to others. And you're right - Wagga looks great in those shots.


Amy said...

Do people put their photos on Flickr if they don't want people to use them? I'm not sure. It is a photo sharing site. Copyright is very tricky. The photo I put on my blog is my brothers so I know he won't mind.