Wednesday, March 19, 2008

RSS Part 2

Finally managed to set up my Bloglines account. I had some trouble searching and then subscribing to some of the blogs I chose, but I finally got there.

Today I checked my account and only one had a new update. I was hoping to read all this new stuff and only had the one to check. I guess that is the nature of blogs - people have to have the time to keep updating, and I know that it will not be everyday, but at least I have only one spot to check for updates instead of six!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Librarian who loves cataloging joke books

What did the gaint use to stop his trainers from smelling?

Why are mummies selfish?
Because they are so wrapped up in themselves.

From; The great monster joke book


I find this weeks task a bit more of a challenge as this is completely new to me. I can see how agregating your favourite blogs into one place would be useful. I do have a favourite forum that I check, lots of mouse clicks to see if there is a new post (probably doing it the long way round!), so knowing when something new has been entered is a time saver.
For keeping up with library trends and what is happening in my area of specialty I can see a real need for RSS - just have to find the right sites to subscribe to.
For the public of a library it may be useful to have news, weather, book reviews as a link on the library webpage to keep them informed.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Week 3

I have had a browse through Flickr - what a huge database of photographs - 4,000 loaded in the last minute - the mind boggles.
I did a search for our library building and discovered some great photographs. It is quite architecturally beautiful - something I don't always appreciate - coming to work each day and taking it for granted. - take a look at this plus others tagged Civic centre - we really do work in pleasant surroundings.

I guess my only concern with Flickr is the misuse of the photographer's rights. It will be interesting to see how copyright is handled as all this technology continues to grow.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The beginning

To blog or not to blog? - that is the start of many questions I have with Web 2.0. I feel that all my questions will not be answered doing this course but at least I will have a starting point.

I am aware of a lot of the technology as I see library users tapping away merrily on the public access computers but have not actively used many of them myself. So this is all new territory for me. At our library we do have a reference blog which enbales us to share information about what happens there. I have found it useful - just have to remember to check it all the time!

So here we go------